Biggest Mysteries of the Universe

Louie under a starry sky

To start 2025, I’m going big. I’m consolidating the biggest mysteries of the universe into a blog post! These five top biggest mysteries in science remain unanswered science questions to date.

Strange Science News

two kids at computer screens reading about strange science news

STRANGE SCIENCE NEWS I love strange science and strange science facts, especially when they make it into recent headlines of strange science news! So this post is a smorgasbord of three strange science discoveries that I think you’ll find intriguing!  I apologize about the hiatus but things have been in flux with us. Taking a … Read more

Want To Increase Your Lifespan?

Want to Increase Your Lifespan?

Do you want to increase your lifespan? Let’s look at some actionable methods to increase longevity, from food choices, to supplements to lifestyle choices to slow aging.

Attack of The Alien Invaders

Attack of the Alien Invaders__ Balloon in blue sky

Attack of the alien invaders? Aliens are among us. Invasive alien species are a threat to human health and to every ecosystem on our planet. Sound like hyperbole? It’s not. 

Top 10 Astronomical Events for 2023

Top 10 Astronomical Events for 2023

I’ve chosen my top 10 astronomical events for 2023! A few fall in the category of ‘rare astronomical events 2023’, but they are all a must-see astronomical event.

The Science Behind Positive Affirmations

The Science Behind Positive Affirmations_aster

The science is unequivocal. Positive self-talk affirmations improve our health. Let’s look at the science behind positive affirmations! And easy ways how to combat negative self-talk, so we can all be healthier & happier. Will there be treats?  I agree w/ Louie, because treats make me happy, too! But I want lasting, calorie-free, drug-free ideas … Read more

Six Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

six easy ways to boost your metabolism

Why do you want six easy ways to boost your metabolism? Because six easy ways to boost your metabolism means that I’ve found six easy ways to burn more calories! Even when you’re doing absolutely nothing at all!  First, we need to define the term, basal metabolic rate. WHAT IS BASAL METABOLIC RATE? DO I … Read more

How To Harness the Power of the Sun

How To Harness The Power of The Sun

How to harness the power of the sun? That’s a big endeavor! Scientists have been on a quest to harness the power of the sun for almost 100 years. Why? Because the sun’s power is the best renewable energy source for the future.

Wearable Robots

What Are Wearable Robots?_Louie

What are wearable robots? Why would anyone want to wear a robot, anyway? WEARABLE ROBOTS Is Louie wearing a wearable robot or is the robot wearing Louie? I CAN OPEN THE FRIDGE WITH THESE HANDS! A wearable robot is a system that combines electrics & mechanical engineering and is designed around the shape and function … Read more

The Science of Marijuana

The Science of Marijuana_flask w cannabis leaves

Now more than ever, the science of marijuana needs a blog post! Why are so many states legalizing marijuana? How does marijuana affect your brain? Is marijuana even safe?