When I started this blog a year ago, I decided to write a post about procrastination. After all, procrastination is the 1 thing everyone has time for! Plus, I am an expert at procrastination. An authority. I promptly (the audacity of using that word!) spent a year putting this off.
Flash forward to a month ago, when I once again decided to revisit procrastination. What better way to research a post than to take a walk? I dragged my husband and Louie outside.
We saw a manatee! (What I’m doing above is taking this cool video!)
Once we returned, I immediately began researching manatee facts, which lead me to click on a video about octopuses (see post about a new octopus species) which took me down a YouTube spiral.
I ended up watching fashion videos about which colors look best with metallic shoes –that I don’t even own– and how to create the perfect smokey eye. Mine turned out more like the 2nd pic.
This is hard to believe, but the internet did not give rise to procrastination! (I enjoy blaming inanimate objects for my issues.)
Actually, there is a recent study that does blame social networking for increased procrastination!
If you want to read more about the pitfalls of social networking, I’ve compiled intriguing and eye-opening information in this post about being remotely controlled!
Let’s get back to procrastination! After all, procrastination is 1 thing everyone has time for, right? Right!
What is procrastination? I asked Louie for his take on it.
Procrastination : an irrational delay of intended actions despite expecting to be worse off.
Louie Tweet
WHY DO I PROCRASTINATE SO MUCH? (I won't point fingers here.)
So why am I my own worst enemy?
This starts in our brains!
Neuroscientists have found that procrastination is a battle between the ‘feeling’ part of the brain and the ‘rational’ part of our brains.
The limbic system and the prefrontal cortex.
Procrastination is an emotion-focused coping response.
We use avoidance to cope with negative emotions.
Let’s look at the plus side of putting things off.

Other experts disagree
We can save this psychological issue for another post!
While procrastination can be a tough tendency to fight, experts say there are things we can do to avoid falling into its mental trap.
(Don’t ask how long it took me to choose that fun giphy above…okay, you can ask but the answer validates this post!)

By telling a friend or family member, iow stating your goal out loud, this helps makes it more real.
Some experts say that telling people in your life about your goal can be counterproductive! (Like me telling my husband I wasn’t going to purchase anything on online for three months. Not my best idea.)
So if you prefer someone more neutral, email me and just type out your goal!
Post-its on my monitor are immensely helpful.
I create calendar events all the time.
It also makes me feel more popular when I’m getting notifications!
a 2020 study in the International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology found that people who practiced even brief mindfulness exercises were more likely to stay on task.
I have a mediation app called ‘Waking Up’ that calms me right down!
My son told me about this! You work while a person works on a video. There is often a timer going.
I like this! Once in awhile, I glance over at the video. The person is concentrating and it motivates me to stay focused. I feel as if I need to keep at it because the person on my screen is working.
Search ‘youtube study with me.’ Or try this one. Or this one.
I admit that there is a danger of falling down the YouTube chasm of which study buddy to watch, but this method works really well!
I find that I’m much calmer when I work out first! Or take a break and go work out instead of watching Netflix. (We’re still working through Criminal Minds, but I have an after 8 PM rule! Okay, after 7. But still, it’s rule!)

I thought it would be fun to take a quick procrastination quiz! This way, you can see if you are really a procrastinator or not!
Of course the responses are subjective but what isn’t subjective when it comes to psychology?

This is my first quiz so please let. me know if there are any glitches!
Think of it as a procrastination survey if the word ‘quiz’ makes your hands sweat!
…Unless you’re rather bookmark this page and put it off for later!
Much of what makes us happy or unhappy—from levels of satisfaction and self-esteem, to regrets —is severely affected by procrastination.
I’d write more on this topic but I see some dust on the table. I better get right on that!
I’m surprised that I scored in the ‘first things first’ category! The quiz was fun. Thanks.
You scored a lot better than me! I’m happy the quiz worked. It’s my first one! Thanks for taking it.
Reading your fun and interesting post has contributed to my procrastination (and I don’t mind at all).
HA! I’m so happy that I could help! Thanks.
I absolutely loved reading this! I’m also a procrastinator, so I related to a lot of this! Thanks for sharing, this was so fun! 🙂
I’m so happy that you loved it! From one procrastinator to another, thank you!
This was so interesting to read. I’ve definitely fallen into that trap where I start by researching one thing then a few hours later I’m still on the Internet but looking at something completely unrelated.
You, too? It’s difficult to tear oneself away from research, isn’t it? Misery does love company, so I can’t help being a little happy that I’m not alone in this. Thanks.
This is the the first post on procrastination I have read in its entirety. I have started a lot. Like A thousand. Maybe more. I don’t know why, just never get to the end. Barely even start. Love that you mentioned the Zeigarnik effect. It’s possibly my favourite mental hiccup. Keep up the great work. You deserve more readers.
How cool that you know about the Zeigarnik effect! (I’ll go back and label it as such) I’m pumped that you read my entire post and enjoyed it! Hurrah! Please feel feel to subscribe. Then I’d have YOU as a regular reader. Thanks!
Ha, how can you not love something called Zeigarnik. I have seen the effect in my children. It helped me realise why sometimes they can’t get to sleep.
Poor little things! I’m sure as they toss and turn, they are not appreciative of that name!
Procrastination and I go together like a hand in a glove, and although I was procrastinating long before the internet was freely available, having constant access to online content certainly has made it easier to procrastinate
Oh I agree! Online content is an endless source of time-sucking material. Procrastination heaven. Thanks!
I actually find that procrastination helps me make serious decisions. Sometimes just sleeping on it or exercising help you clear your mind and then reset the so-called computer in your head. Great post as usual. Mike
I’m happy that you brought this up. I focused on creativity and letting ideas percolate, but yes, getting away from serious decisions does help take the emotional component out of the equation. In a sense, no emotion means taking control of our limbic system via procrastination. Thank you for pointing this out!
I totally agree with you haha Instead of doing and putting effort on our goals, we tend to procrastinate a lot. Great post!
We procrastinators can get there in the end! Thanks so much!
Apparently tomorrow is my middle name – but it worked for Scarlet O’Hara so I’m okay with that 🙂 Another great post, Sue!
Vivien Leigh was a beauty so your score fits on one level! I thought I was more of an expert but I have the average designation. (boring!) We’ll need to try virtually working together with our own zoom study meeting. Sound off, of course. Thanks.
Well, my middle name is ‘tomorrow’ 😅, yeah, I’m a really bad procrastinator. I try to use music to ease my mind since I get distracted so easy. It can be really annoying when you got school assignments due. I enjoyed the quiz and this post!
I’m happy you tried the quiz! Interesting about music. I know people who work to music. The ‘study with me’ videos, some do play music, too. Music can be soothing. Good luck with your assignments! And thanks.
I am a very keen procrastinator lol, I already do the calendar events but as a fairly analog kinda gal i think the post it notes are a great idea so im going to add those into my day!
Great tips!
HA! Hurrah to calendar events! Great minds think alike. I enjoy crumbling the post-its when I finish my task. They come in fun colors, too. Thanks so much.
Ooh I love this post! Thank you for sharing, I am such a procrastinator and I think these are some useful ideas 🙂 I definitely need to start planning my weeks better x
I’m glad you found my suggestions useful! Now, if I could only follow my own advice, we’d both be set! Thanks.
Haha yes very true, sometimes it’s easier said than done!
Almost always easier said than done in my case! ha!
I loved reading this, I can relate to it so much haha! If you could get paid to procrastinate I’d honestly be a millionaire! I loved the quiz, it was so interesting to do. Thanks so much for sharing!
HA! I’d be a billionaire! I’m happy that you liked the quiz! Thank you!
I took the quiz, I’m an average procrastinator! Oh my! Which reminds me I have a couple of pages to read and I am reading blogs and taking quiz! Thanks Sue for the scientific notes. Personally I write down tasks to make sure I finish what I intend to do, because if i don’t chances are they don’t get done!
I was surprised that I’m an average procrastinator, too. (I thought I’d score higher) Writing down tasks makes them more real, I agree. Sometimes, I add tasks to my lists after the fact, just so I can cross them off. HA Thanks.
I am so guilty of this, but I’ve definitely got better at being less of a procrastinator by planning my day! It makes my life so much easier!
Love, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
Here’s to planning! Thanks so much, Amie!
I can definitely be a procrastinator so this is super relatable! And I’m totally checking out that quiz now, great post 🙂
I can definitely be a procrastinator so this is super relatable for me, haha! And I’m totally checking out that quiz now, great post.
Thank so much! Check back and let me know your score! (If you care to share, that is.)
What a fun post. I am not much of a procrastinator myself but this was awesome to read
I’m envious that you’re not a procrastinator! I’m glad you found my post awesome, anyway! Thanks!
Great quiz! My score was 16 but that’s no surprise to me I’m not a procrastinator at all!
Sixteen! Nice score! I’ll need to step up my efforts. Thanks for sharing your score!
A fun read! I am especially intrigued by the Zeigarnik effect. The idea about the tension of an unfinished task I think could also apply to family members’ differing abilities to remember certain shared experiences or places. Good rabbit hole!
We have similar taste in rabbit holes! I also find different family members’ recollection of shared experiences fascinating. Procrastination at its finest. Thanks so much.
It’s so hard not to procrastinate but I try my hardest not to! Very interesting to learn more about procrastination!
I’m right there is the procrastination boat with you! We’ll keep trying. Thanks.
Love that procrastination is the one thing we all have time for – that’s so true. Although I sometimes procrastinate I very rarely do it as I always prioritise tasks rather than getting distracted – I scored 16 on your quiz! Great post.
Tash – A Girl with a View
You are the reported winner with a 16! (I qualify that statement because not everyone has shared their score.) You beat me by a mile. Congrats! And thanks.
Your healthy dose of humor and honesty throughout this writing makes it both a learning experience and an entertaining read! I procrastinate sometimes, but being aware of it helps me get into a more productive mindset. Exercise and to-do lists are definitely motivational. <3
What a lovely compliment! Thank you. Great that you’re incorporating exercise and to-do lists into your regimen. I find exercise helps me too…if I don’t put it off!
This is really fascinating. I knew a bit about procrastinating, and our tendency to favour short-term reward over long-term payoffs, but the science behind it is intriguing. Perhaps I’ll try and lean into it instead of tackling it to increase creativity!
I’m convinced that the Ziegarnik effect does help me get back to my projects! I’d be interested to hear how it works for you. Thanks so much, Tom!
I definitely struggle with procrastination daily. COVID lockdown has increased this challenge since we’re just home all the time and lacking energy. I feel so good when I finally cross something off my list though!
I enjoy crossing items off my list, too! I am confident the longer days of summer will help our attitudes, and with that, our procrastination propensities. Thank you!
I don’t believe I consider myself as being a procrastinate, but there again I might be! I just try and get everything done in one go, because it’s easier!
Aha! A blitz approach. Maybe I’ll try that on my next project. Thanks for the idea, and for commenting.
You had me hooked at the title – this resonates with me so much! I think women are probably more prone to procrastination than men due to how good we are at multi-taking, haha!
Ha! Funny that you bring up multitasking! I used to think I was a superstar at multitasking. I’ve read a few intriguing articles about this topic and am changing my opinion, too. I’m so happy my post resonated with you! Thank you!
As a fellow procrastinator, I definitely approve of the sticky note method. It’s so satisfying to cross out something that I have finished. The only problem is that I have about a dozen of them 😂
Sticky notes come in such great colors, too! A dozen items on your to-do list? You must write spill onto several stickies. Or write like a Lilliputian! Thanks.
Every time I read one of your blog posts I think it’s your best one yet, but this one … it truly is. At least the funniest. So well done. Can’t wait to have you talk at our library.
I thought I’d shared too much of my foibles, so I’m glad you think this post is still solid! I’m excited to do an experiment at your library too! I’ll try my best to stay serious. Hm…no, I probably won’t. Thanks!
I am such a procrastinator and I always have been! Reading this post made me wonder if you had been watching me. I go from one thing to the next without really finishing anything. I always find something to distract me. I can’t really help it, at least that’s what I tell myself. Great post!
Your comment that I’m watching you is funny, because I am observing myself! Apparently we have much in common! We can both try to bounce around less! Or not.Thanks so much, glad you liked my post.
This is your third post read by me and I totally remember because of your writing style! You mix a bit of humor with intellect that makes it an enjoyable read. I really enjoyed it. I’m a procrastinator myself and loved this post. Learned some bits too. Thanks <3
Isa A. Blogger
I’m happy that you loved the post and can relate to it. (Although this means we both have procrastination issues! ha) I really appreciate it, Isa! Thanks.
We try not to be one by keeping a planner. However, everyone procrastinates at some point. Thanks for sharing!
Planners definitely help with the battle against procrastination! Thanks.
I’m really trying to beat my procrastination at the moment. The more overwhelmed I feel, the more I put things off and funnily enough, that’s not a spiral that works! Or, rather, it works too well. Thanks for sharing.
I agree, that particular spiral remains a vortex of inefficiency. I had procrastinated w/ changing out an electrical outlet for months. When I finally got to it, it took me half an hour. You’d think I’d learn but no! Drop me a line the next time you have a task that keeps getting moved to the new ‘to do’ list. Maybe we can motivate each other, because I’ll have one of those tasks, too. Thanks so much.