Category: History

two kids at computer screens reading about strange science news

Strange Science News

STRANGE SCIENCE NEWS I love strange science and strange science facts, especially when they make it into recent headlines of strange science news! So this post is a smorgasbord of three strange science discoveries that I think you’ll find intriguing!  I apologize about the hiatus but things have been in flux with us. Taking a

Attack of the Alien Invaders__ Balloon in blue sky

Attack of The Alien Invaders

Attack of the alien invaders? Aliens are among us. Invasive alien species are a threat to human health and to every ecosystem on our planet. Sound like hyperbole? It’s not. 

The Science of Marijuana_flask w cannabis leaves

The Science of Marijuana

Now more than ever, the science of marijuana needs a blog post! Why are so many states legalizing marijuana? How does marijuana affect your brain? Is marijuana even safe?

Women Science Writers_Inez Miholand Boissevain

Women Science Writers

HONORING WOMEN SCIENCE WRITERS FOR WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH I bet you’re wondering why I choose a woman on a white horse as my featured image for a post about women science writers! The women’s suffrage movement paved the way for women to pursue many careers, including writing. And since March is Women’s History Month, I

The Science of Fear_graveyard spanish moss

The Science Of Fear

Why do we like to be scared? Some of us do, anyway! Let’s take a look at the science of fear, define ‘what is fear,’ and see why some of us like to be scared! Louie is firmly in the, ‘I don’t like being scared’ category! WHAT IS FEAR? This chart made me curious about

Easy Forensic Science Experiments Louie

Easy Forensic Science Experiments

Easy and forensic seem like a dichotomy but it is possible to find easy forensic science experiments. You can do them with your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, as a classroom activity or for a birthday party, with minimal materials! I’m going to show you how.

Deadliest Poisons in History

Deadliest Poisons In History

If you want to kill a person, you can shoot a gun or throw a rock. But if craft and cleverness are your forte, poison is another option. Deadliest Poisons in History has the makings of a Netflix series, but I’m condensing into a cool blog post instead!

greatest scientists of all time

10 Great Scientists and Their Discoveries

Instead of looking back at 2020, (ugh) let’s gaze further back. Since this is science blog, I’m giving a nod to 10 great scientists and their discoveries. Many of these scientists had messy lives. Many of the discoveries were accidental. Most of them are dead.

That means they can’t refute the gossip I’m about to throw around about them! Let’s take a peek…

The Science Behind Acquired Taste

The Science Behind Acquired Taste

In life, one way or the other, you have probably eaten broccoli. After all, broccoli a superfood! One cup is chock-full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

But, do you like broccoli? The answer behind why you like broccoli –or force it down– is rooted in science: the science behind acquired taste!

Susan Berk Koch author
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Louie loves STEM at home activities

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