Category: Biology

Deadliest Poisons in History

Deadliest Poisons In History

If you want to kill a person, you can shoot a gun or throw a rock. But if craft and cleverness are your forte, poison is another option. Deadliest Poisons in History has the makings of a Netflix series, but I’m condensing into a cool blog post instead!

The Science Behind Acquired Taste

The Science Behind Acquired Taste

In life, one way or the other, you have probably eaten broccoli. After all, broccoli a superfood! One cup is chock-full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

But, do you like broccoli? The answer behind why you like broccoli –or force it down– is rooted in science: the science behind acquired taste!

Scientists discover new primate species

Scientists Discover New Primate Species!

Scientists have discovered a new primate species! These little monkeys live in Myanmar. The new species was discovered in 2020 and they are already on the endangered species list. How do they decide which species is new or not?

Monarchs are mythical and mysterious

Monarchs Are Mythical and Mysterious

Monarchs are mythical and mysterious! I wanted more butterflies in our yard, to help the monarchs, and to learn more about them! It was trickier to raise monarchs than I thought.

Vaccines A miracle of modern medicine

Vaccines: A Miracle of Modern Medicine

Do you believe in The Easter Bunny? Magic? The Tooth Fairy? All of these are indeed beliefs. But medicine is not a belief. And not all medicine is based on fact. But it is based on evidence.

Let’s take a look at the science behind vaccines and why vaccines are a modern miracle.

Dumbo octopus

New Species Alert : Octopus!

Whenever I see an article about a new species, it’s usually about some bacteria or slug. Not that they don’t deserve a spot in the ecosystem, but slugs are not exciting. Octopuses are!

Impress Your Posse With Science Magic : Bulb Magic

Science At Home : FLOWERS

Want to impress your kids, friends, significant other, w/ easy science magic? Make your neighbors jealous!

I’ve got a perfect STEM activity. Botany magic!

Susan Berk Koch author
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