Evidence shows that modern vaccines save lives. Vaccines are a miracle of modern medicine.
Do you believe in The Easter Bunny? Mermaids? The Tooth Fairy? All of these are indeed beliefs. But medicine is not a belief. And not all medicine is based on fact. But it is based on evidence.
Modern Vaccines : Audio if you prefer to listen
What are vaccines? How did they come to be? How do modern vaccines work? What good are they, anyway?
To induce a protective immune response against an infectious agent without causing harm to the patient.
We must begin any history of modern vaccines with a disease that’s been around for tens of thousands of years .
30% mortality rate with a painful, lingering death by multiple organ failure.
That ugly mummy on the right is Ramses V. If you look closely, you’ll see smallpox scars!
The guy on the far right survived smallpox. 65 to 80 percent of survivors had to live with the scars.
More innovative and curious scientists went to work!
The CDC recommends influenza vaccination as the best way to protect from influenza disease and its complications.
Of course there can be complications. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned.
I am not touching Covid-19 right now. We need more information before I do!
Many people hold beliefs about the modern flu vaccine that are at odds with the best available scientific evidence. A recent study found that more than two-fifths, or 43 percent, of Americans believe that the seasonal flu vaccine can give us the flu.
There can be complications after putting anything in one’s body, from drinking water to eating an apple to applying aloe to getting a vaccine.
If someone is looking for issues with the H1N1 vaccine, they will find them.
Nothing is 100% safe. Just surf the web and you’ll find a plethora of exceptions, anecdotes, and myths sprinkled among the facts. (CDC flu guidelines for the upcoming season here)
Getting the flu from a flu vaccine is not happening.
Because many modern vaccines do not contain a live virus, the shot itself cannot give anyone the flu.
What does live virus mean?
There are three types of modern vaccines.
The problem with Inactivated vaccines is that the antibodies your body produces don’t stick around for your entire lifetime.
This is why booster shots are necessary!
And why my kids accused me of not vaccinating them after they had testing for antibodies… and were low on several. Okay, many.

Viruses and bacteria are so powerful that countries sometimes consider their use for weapons. Aka biological warfare. If you want to read more, I’ve got a post here!
The term “herd immunity” is widely used but carries a variety of meanings.
“A common implication of the term is that the risk of infection among susceptible individuals in a population is reduced by the presence and proximity of immune individuals.” —Fine P, Eames K, Heymann DL.
In other words, the herd helps protect immunosuppressed people and people with allergies (to egg proteins) who can’t get vaccinated.
So. Being immunized impacts those around you in more ways than you can imagine.
For more on the concept of herd immunity, here is an intriguing article about herd immunity!
It makes sense that the more communicable a pathogen, the greater the proportion of the population must be immune, in order to block sustained transmission.
In other words, percentages of immune people in the population to achieve herd immunity depends on how contagious a disease is.
Widespread misinformation about modern vaccine safety is an important public health problem. People who believe that vaccines can make us sick are less likely to vaccinate themselves or their children.
Our 24-hour news cycle mentality sensationalizes stories that the news media cherry picks. They inflate our mortal fears and push our panic buttons far more than the unsexy risks of excessive sugar consumption, not wearing a seat belt, or not getting a vaccine.
Measles photo from PD-USGov.
Twins above; one vaccinated one not (Wikimedia Commons ) Which twin would you want to be?
In 1982, a television news special aired ‘DPT: Vaccine Roulette’ It depicted anecdotal, heart-wrenching stories of children who became handicapped or even died after receiving the DPT vaccine.
Nothing is 100% safe. (Last month, when I was walking Louie down our street, a neighbor backed out of his driveway and bumped me! GAD)
I digress…
So. One TV show made modern vaccines look like Moses spreading a plague.
In Japan, this scare let to banning the DPT vaccine. This spurred a tenfold increase in whooping cough cases and a tripling of whooping-cough related deaths.
Panic in England let to a 40% decline in immunizations, with a resulting surge in 100,000 cases over the next few years.
Despite physicians and the FDA presenting large, long-term studies w a combined sample size of over 1 million children, and the data showed that as many as 265,000 children annually came down with whooping cough and 75,000 died before vaccines, the spread of vaccine fear went viral.
People believed the show instead of physicians. Why? It’s an interesting question. What do you think?
Flash forward to the 21st Century!
Parents are still opting out. This is bringing measles back from near extinction.
Measles lives for TWO HOURS in the air
We’ve moved into an era where more people are beginning to question why we need vaccines. Herd immunity is keeping many children safe, which helps grow an anti-vaccine mentality.
There are risks with vaccination, and it’s important to be aware! But it’s disadvantageous to be so hyper reactive that the risks outweigh the benefits.
For some, it’s a conspiracy issue or a control issue. Or a hatred of large corporations. Aren’t they all in it for the money? Some viruses have been tamped down for an entire generation so fear has waned. ‘The disease can’t be that bad.’ Or ‘why do we need shots. Diseases doesn’t exist anymore.’
TWO...a small # considering how hard science works
In recent years, vaccination rates at many California schools have plummeted as parents, some of whom fear a now debunked link between vaccines and autism, have declined to inoculate their children.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
That research paper was disproven. A prominent medical journal retracted it over ten years ago. You can see (above) that in 2013, three years later, people remain suspicious.
18 States still allow non-medical vaccine exemptions
Numbers of exemptions are still increasing in 12 of those states
Get cut by a rusty nail and you’re given a tetanus shot. What if you weren’t? (Click on link below)
Tetanus Case of 6-year-old results in 57 days in hospital and $ 811,929 in medical costs.
In 2019,WHO listed anti-vax as one of the top ten global health threats.

If you’re interested in a more light-hearted angle about pandemics, here’s a great post for you!
Contact me if you want more information! I am happy to provide you w/ articles and books with mountains of scientific evidence that back up what they say, written by physicians and scientists.
Not one book cites a tweet by an actress and former playmate in their bibliography.
Information is power! That’s why I wrote this post. To provide information.
Because this post was on the serious side, I am leaving you with a calming video of cottonwoods!
Thank you for this post, sue. I’m posting on my FB timeline.
I appreciate that! I’m happy that you like it!
Great post! I think what some may not realise, is that vaccines not only protect you, but they also protect those, that can’t have the vaccine or have a lowered immune system.
Aimsy xoxo
You summarized an important point! Thanks so much for reading my post.
Vaccines are very clever, I just hope that we will have one for the coronavirus, I know these things take time, just missing my partner that I can’t see properly!
I hope so, too. I’ll be scouring research when they get closer. I’m sorry you’re not with your partner just yet. Sending positive thoughts!
Wow! This post is so informative. I learned a lot about vaccines. Thank you so much!!
Fantastic to hear. Thank you!
Thanks so much for this informative post! There’s a lot that I didn’t know about vaccines mentioned here.
I’m pumped that you learned a few new facts! Thanks.
Thank you for writing this, Susan! There’s an amazing amount of information and the graphics are super helpful too. A lot of the common phrases are now a little clearer which is great. Brill post!
Anika |
Thank you so much! I’m so happy that you think I made some common phrases clearer!
Fun, long, informative post, not skirting or shying away from a difficult issue. Great job.
Vaccines are a sticky issue, I agree. I may need to add more as covid-19 vaccine research intensifies. Thank you!
Such an informative and detailed post, wow! And yes, much like the wearing of masks to help prevent the spread of COVID 19 now, as Aimsy says, vaccines don’t just protect those who receive them but also those who are at risk and vulnerable too. Lisa.
Exactly! Vaccines help those around us who are unable to have them. Thank you, Lisa!
Don’t get me started on the anti vaxers, I’ll be ranting for hours 😂 they need to come here and have a read of this, great post!
Thanks so much! Please feel free to share the post!
Great information on a very difficult and timely problem. I hope more people are able to read your post. Mike
Thanks, Mike! I hope this post reaches more people, too!
Very interesting and informative, and I agree that this should be sent to all those anti-vaxers out there!!
Thank you! I would love for this to be read widely, too.
Sue this is invaluable! I shared it on FB and will do so on Twitter now. The anti-vax folks are on the rise, and this is such a useful tool.not to argue- that only reinforces their algorithmic attention. Instead we need to block such posts when they occur and then post a link here as a fresh post, making it public. Well done!
Thank you for sharing my post, Sandy! Arguing doesn’t work with inflammatory topics, I agree. Facts speak for themselves.
Such an interesting post about vaccines – learnt something new! They’re such a brilliant thing and protect us and those that cannot have the vaccine for whatever reason!
Tash – A Girl with a View
Vaccines are brilliant, I agree! Thank you so much.
It is extremely annoying how much disinformation that exists around vaccines. I red a news article where by more than a third of Americas plan to refuse getting a covid19 vaccine if one is developed. Boggles the mind how people can be like that
Making a decision without any facts is indeed mind boggling. Thanks so much for speaking up!
Really informative post about an important subject. I think so many people are misinformed or uneducated about this subject which is why they lean towards anti-vax which is annoying bc they don’t realise that they’re choice actually impacts everyone! As you mentioned heard immunity only works when majority are vaccinated. Great post for spreading information and awareness.
Thank you so much! I agree, people definitely need facts and information b4 they make any decision. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out here, too.
This is a really great post about a really important subject. Vaccinations are necessary to keep all of us safe! Katie
Well put, Katie! Thank you.
My uncle had polio. I am so glad for vaccines. Thanks for this timely information.
I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post!
This is a great post on vaccinations – I have always been vaccinated as a child and I am thankful that my parents didn’t place myself and others at risk by choosing not to. There were some in my school growing up that never had their vaccinations which I never understood, but it’s the parents choice I guess. I think it is important for the individual to make their mind up too – some kids don’t get the choice until they are 18 which is a shame. Thanks for sharing.
Paige // Paige Eades
When parents are making a choice to vaccinate or not, hopefully it’s an informed decision, not one based on anecdotal evidence. How fantastic that your parents made the choice you would have made for yourself! Thanks so much.
Thank you for this post ! I know and understand the importance of vaccines and I wish other people did too!
Great post
Fantastic that you’re up on this topic! I also wish others were as informed as you are. Thanks.
Vaccines have to be one of the greatest gifts to modern medicine. The new increase in things like measles and the rise in anti vax is so infuriating. Even if the autism thing was true, is that really considered worse than a potentially deadly disease? Really interesting post x
It’s a tough question. There will always remain some doubt about the “absolute” safety of childhood vaccines. There are potential complications but often are not associated with long-term consequences, the way death is. Here’s a much cited study about seizure risk
Thank you so much!
A very informative post! I travel a lot and constantly need vaccines for new places I visit, or boosters and what not. I do wonder about when we might see the Coronavirus vaccine begin to roll out?
I wonder too! Here’s an article from Nature discussing the various methods different vaccines will evoke an immune response.
The article says several companies hope to have a vaccine in about 18 months (from April, 2020). I look forward to reading more about it. Thanks!
This was really information. Vaccines might be flawed in some ways but they are sure as hell better than polio. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much!
This is such an informative post! I don’t want to live in a world without vaccines. With so much misinformation out there, I’m so glad there’s posts like this around!
I don’t want to live in a world without vaccines, either! I’m happy you found my post informative! Thanks.
Great read! I loved your graphics throughout and the perfectly clear examples you gave.
Thank you so much! I’m enjoying my new page builder. I’m glad you found the examples clear!
Thanks for the cottonwoods!! Great post. Those pictures are pretty convincing… :-0
You’re welcome! My go-to chocolate just didn’t go with pustules…
Very interesting, a lot I didn’t know!
This is such a great and informative post about vaccines. I learned a lot reading this! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you!
I really love how well detailed this post is. There is a lot of misinformation about vaccines but I would rather have vaccine than put other vulnerable people at risk. I was vaccinated as a kid, so glad my parent made that decision for me. Thank you for this, I also learnt more about vaccines.
I’m happy you picked up some facts! And that you were vaccinated as a kid. Kudos to your parents. Thanks so much!
Thank you for sharing this. I’m a big supporter of vaccines and medicine in general. Our world has come a long way with modern medicine and I owe my life to it.
I agree! I’m happy that medicine saved your life and you’re here. Thanks!
Unfortunately, what it will take for people to realize the dangers of these diseases is a resurgence of them. Personally, I don’t understand how people don’t see the connection between no longer getting diseases and vaccination…
I hope you’re wrong on that! I don’t understand it, either. Thanks.
It is interesting to see the debate about vaccines. It is so important that we take the right steps to prevent illnesses when we can. There can be complications, but things happen when we take certain risks for certain rewards. I just wish that everyone is educated about health hazards!
Nancy ✨
I wish that, too, Nancy! Wise words, thank you.
Fascinating! And, as always, very informative!
Thank you!
This was such a timely blog post with great information. I am a believer of vaccines and make sure my boys are caught up. My whole family takes the flu vaccine every year and have not experienced any flu-like illnesses in years. Thanks for sharing this important information.
I’m happy to hear that you and your family are taking advantage of modern medicine w/ no ill effects! Thank you so much for stopping by!
Really excellent post, and fun to read also! My brother once made the point that air bags are an imperfect invention — that perhaps 10 out of 1000 times an airbag is deployed, it causes injury or even death. But we have come to accept that risk, and now rely on them – buying cars with them or installing them in older cars that don’t have them. The manufacturers are fine-tuning the mechanics every year, making them more safe.
The same can be said of vaccines.
What an excellent analogy! Your brother is clever and wise. Thanks so much for reading my post. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
That’s a very informative post. To vaccinate or not has been a raging debate always. Your post would help ppl
I’m happy that you think so! Thanks!
Yes yes yes! We need vaccines! Thank you for this well informed and detailed post.
Thank you!
I found this really interesting. It is great that technology can help us in amazing ways
Agreed! We’re lucky to be able to take advantage of science. Thanks.
Vaccine is a miracle of modern medicine, indeed!
Without question! Thanks so much for stopping by, Regina!
Thank you for this amazing piece on vaccination. I love your writing style and feel every line of your writing.
You’re so kind! I’m happy that you like my content and style! Thank you.