The Science Behind Acquired Taste

In life, one way or the other, you have probably eaten broccoli. After all, broccoli a superfood! One cup is chock-full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

But, do you like broccoli? Do your eyes convey the same longing as Louie when viewing this cruciferous vegetable? The answer behind why you like broccoli –or force it down– is rooted in science: the science behind acquired taste!

Louie may not have the bitter gene
Louie loves broccoli


First of all what is acquired taste? Miriam Webster defines acquired taste as something or someone that is not easily or immediately liked or appreciated.

In our case, we’re talking about food items that we come to like over time. But why?


The great range in human taste perception between people makes taste unique among the senses! Sensitivities of vision, hearing, touch, and smell vary too, though only modestly from person to person. To survive, our ancestors needed to live in basically the same sensory world as today. We’re all fragile, warm-blooded bodies, after all.

The cones of our retinas tend to detect the same color wavelengths that have always been present on our planet. Human eyes are most sensitive to the color ranges of GREEN, a highly developed wavelength of light on Earth.
More about eyes here
The cochlea, the snail-shell shaped organ in the inner ear, picks up common levels of noise and pitch range around us.
The olfactory epithelium in our noses discerns a similar array of incoming smells. (not all of them pleasant, but similar just the same!)

Olfaction gets a protective nod, without question. While olfaction is specialized in the detection of volatile chemicals around us, taste is restricted to the detection of contact-chemicals.

The tongue acts as one of our gatekeepers by helping us distinguish between good and noxious substances and consequently guiding our food choices. 


Through the process of evolution, the perception of taste (along with smell) provides humans with a dietary advantage. Today, taste may indicate whether a particular food is corrupted and potentially harmful for consumption. 

Kevin (below) will survive to tape another episode of The Office!

This guy has bitter taste receptors

Smell is key and intertwined with taste, but exploring these interrelated senses would make this post WAY too long.


Gustatory chemosensory perception’ is a mouthful! This means discerning taste stimuli. (stimuli = food and drink)

Taste chemically tests everything that enters our mouths. That’s why taste was molded by what our ancestors consumed over the eons. 

Taste doesn’t live in one sensory world!

This is especially true of the taste we call bitter.

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Sea anemones, which first appeared 500 million years ago, sense and vomit bitter substances! Fruit flies and even bacteria can detect bitter compounds.

Plants produce most of the world’s bitter substances.
The # of plant species on Earth ~ 391,000!
The number of bitter compounds is unaccountable!
The reason plants are bitter in the first place is that they don’t want to be eaten.
Our taste for bitterness is a result of this diversity.
To date, scientists have isolated 25 bitter receptor variations
Remember, we all have different combinations of this receptor, written into our DNA. This creates a lot of sensitivity and nuance in taste, as well.

The bitter taste receptor has been found and named TAS2R38. It’s located on chromosome # 8, but not everyone has this gene!

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Taste is not universal!

What an interesting fact! This seems intuitive, but this notion was not conclusively proven until the 1930s.

Taste is an inherited trait, proved by Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel. Inherent traits range from flower colors all the way to baldness!

Flower colors are inheirited
Color is inherited
Bald genes are inheirited
If you looked like this guy, I expect you wouldn't care about being bald!


Initially, there were ‘tasters’ of the bitter gene and ‘non-tasters.’ With human spread across our globe, different habitats and climates led to different food choices. Survival challenges grew the division between tasters and non-tasters.

Depending on where populations migrated to factored into how this gene evolved.

Today, studies have shown that in northeast Britain, nearly 1/3 of the population can barely taste bitterness.
More on bitterness and beer here
Perhaps this accounts for a preference for darker beers! (I don't prefer dark beer) Do you ?
The Inuit of Greenland are among the least bitter-sensitive, perhaps because there’s so little bitterness in their traditional diets?
(Raw fish but probably not the best representation...)
Small variations in this gene’s sequence account for vast differences in a persons’ ability to taste bitter!
25 T2R bitter receptors have been identified in humans
25 T2R

Not all bitter compounds are poison. Willow bark has a bitter compound, salicin. Salicin, the precursor of aspirin, is useful as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent, and antipyretic. (Lots of As!) 

Some forms of bitter insensitivity enhance survival, too!  


Make Sense of Science and get As
We like As!
Salicin in willow bark
Doubtful this willow tree looked the same in the II millennium BC. It still had salicin though.


The reason coffee is ‘an acquired taste’ is that coffee has several bitter compounds. Most notable is caffeine! (more on the science of coffee and caffeine here!)

Raw coffee beans don’t have much taste. Roasting the beans is what teases out the bitter flavors. It’s a delicate process, so finding a balance is key.

Cocoa beans are the opposite. Raw, they’re quite bitter. They have different flavor profiles, depending on where they’re grown, dried, and fermented. Hence the vast array of different chocolate flavors!

One of our ancestors stuck with it though. Maybe someone without the bitter gene! Click on that press pot for a post about making a perfect cup of coffee!

Make the perfect cup of coffee in one step
Coffee has bitter compounds. Chocolate does too!


Bitter chemicals aren’t limited to plants.
Some are released by bacteria.
Super-tasters—people who can detect tiny amounts of bitterness—may have an edge when it comes to warding off upper respiratory tract infections.
Click Here
Bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs) actually help people with asthma.
These receptors in the lungs induce more open airways and reduce allergen inflammatory responses. TAS2Rs are under investigation for treatment of asthma!
Click Here


I think you’ll all agree that sweetness is a powerful motivator!

Sugars are the foundation of the earth’s food chain. Made by plants during photosynthesis, sugar molecules contain the sun’s energy. 

Plants create fuel via photosynthesis
Sugar = Fuel!

Because sugars are so useful, it’s rare to find them in concentrated forms within nature. Nature spread the wealth! Hence, most animals don’t need concentrated sugar. Including us!

(You won’t find any of the desserts below hanging from a plant!) 

OK, yes, I ate the missing cinnamon roll. 

We’re dependent on sugar for our big brains to use as fuel. Maybe this rationale is why our sweet receptors (T1R3 combined with T1R2 ) can recognize all kinds of sweet substances including natural sugars, artificial sweeteners, and D-amino acids.

sugar receptor sensitivity has backfired
I have convinced myself this cookie is healthy.

This, it turns out, has backfired.

When you take the sugar out of its natural sources (fruits, for example) you are missing out of a multitude of fibers, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants that help to balance the sugar intake, and provide health benefits. You made a drug! Congrats!

Sugarcane, the world’s primary source of refined sugar for thousands of years, needs a warm climate to proliferate. Since it is easy to transport without spoiling, sugar traveled along with man in their great migration.

overload of refined sugar
Sugar overload much?
sugar cane production
Originated in SE Asia...a world gone mad for sweet!


Called white gold by British colonists, sugar’s monetary value remains today. Sugarcane is the world’s third most valuable crop.

Dating over 2500 years ago there were parables about the Buddha enjoying sweet treats.

Twelfth century theologian Thomas Aquinas must have had quite a sweet tooth. He wrote that eating sugar would not break a religious fast because sugar was a medicine. 

The Science Behind Acquired Taste
He probably didn't have macarons but whatever he ingested had the same effect!

Medicine for our dopamine receptors!


Studies have shown a link between sugar and dopamine. Dopamine is famous! Dopamine is a chemical that ferries information between neurons. 

This chemical plays a role in how we feel pleasure and happiness. Dopamine is a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan: it helps us strive, focus, and find things interesting.


Neurotransmitters dopamine
Basic diagram of a neutrotransmitter at work

When we eat sugar, the sugar molecule locks onto the dopamine receptors. Dopamine is released, reminding us that we feel good. 

This is a perfect example of  the phrase too much of a good thing can  <whatever the end of the phrase is.>

When we eat too much sugar, the sugar affects the dopamine receptors in our brain, resulting in the brain producing huge surges of dopamine.
This is similar to the way the brain reacts after ingestion of substances like heroin and cocaine.
More info here
When our levels of Dopamine are depleted, the effects of the negative neurotransmitters are more pronounced.
With constant stimulation of the opioid receptors on the nerves, they become desensitized
Article here

I’m not going to preach to you about the evils of excessive sugar consumption and how it wreaks havoc on our bodies, including teeth. Moving on… 


Umami is real!

Controversy surrounded the idea of umami as a primary taste until tas1R1 + tas1R3 was shown to code for the umami receptor, proven in 2007.

Umami is the Japanese word for the savory taste of amino acids, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG).
The essential amino acid lysine triggers this receptor. Lysine is concentrated in proteins such as red meat, fish, and eggs, but can be found in plants as well
Essential amino acid (EAA)means that our bodies don't produce them. We need EAA for proper brain and body functions.
That means we need to ingest foods with lysine every day to replenish our supplies.

In retrospect, this makes a lot of sense. Our umami taste receptors are urging us to seek out these essential foods. In case you’re wondering, here’s a short list….

Lysine-Rich food options
Self explanatory!

Garum, (gah-room) a fishy sauce beloved by ancient Greeks and Romans, is either a cooking sauce or condiment. Whatever you call it, researchers agree that garum is extinct. 

Enter a discovery of sealed vats in 2009 at Mt. Vesuvius. Now scientists are attempting to recreate garum.

Umami_ Science of Taste
'Chefs say it supercharges dishes with a potent hit of umami, the pleasantly savory “fifth taste” conveyed by foods rich in glutamates.'
Science of Taste _ Umami
I use this in my fish marinades. It's said to be a great substitute for garum. Plus, the smell isn't as bad.

The first sauce above is one of their efforts. But Flor de Garum is, ‘very salty, very concentrated.’ And after cracking open the Red Boat sauce for the first time, I am not going near Flor de Garum!


Herbivores such as giant pandas have lost functional versions of the T1R1 gene codes for umami taste receptors. (article here). This is why you often see pandas enjoying bamboo instead of steak.

Giant Pandas don't have the umami receptor
Giant Pandas don't have the umami receptor


Salt taste receptors and how they affect us is the least understood of the five taste receptors! This seems strange, considering that salt is, well, salt. NaCl.

Salt adds nuanced flavor to food
Salt adds a surprising nuanced flavor to foods

Salt receptors are divided into two types, based solely on salt concentration. Salt concentration? That’s interesting.

As late as 2016, using poor mice again, scientists discovered that salt receptors are subdivided into two separate populations, based on the size of the salt molecules we ingest.

Low concentrations of sodium, which are typically attractive, are detected by one type of receptor cell...
High concentrations of salt, which animals try to avoid, are sensed by a completely different pathway.
Click Here
Salt isn't all bad!
Without Na+, neurons and muscle cells would not be able to generate electrical impulses , the intestinal absorption of nutrients would be undermined, and the kidneys would not work properly.
Salt plays an important role in enhancing flavor in cooking and baking!
Salt contributes to overall flavor. Salt controls the fermentation rate of yeast. (for baking) Salt has a strengthening effect on the gluten protein in the dough. Salt is a preservative, too.

The reason we have two types of salt receptors is –clearly– to keep us from eating too much.

In 2019, a study using healthy adults showed that subjects who were less sensitive to salty taste reported consuming more bakery and salty baked products, saturated-fat-rich products, and soft drinks than hypersensitive subjects. (OUCH!)

Sue Berk Koch salad nicoise
Low salt, low fat, low sugar


Rainbow Cake
High fat, high sugar

For a more sensitive palate, eating less salt is an intuitive choice. (Not to mention the health issues!)


Sour taste detection functions as an important sensory input to warn against the ingestion of acidic food sources,(more here) meaning, unripe and spoiled.


It would follow that scavengers, also known as carrion eaters, don’t have this receptor! 

Eagles, hawks, crows, ravens, and vultures all eat carrion.
mammals without the sour receptor for taste
Hyenas, coyotes, opossums are a few examples of scavenger species.


The receptors for bitter, sweet, and umami are not limited to the tongue!

These receptors are also found in the intestines, stomach, pancreas, respiratory tract, and even sperm! (This can be cited in many articles but here’s one for you.)

not all our taste receptors reside on our tongues
My tongue works just fine!
Taste Receptor on tongue
Gustatory cranial nerves are VII, IX and X

Pathogens, tumors, and allergens are detected with great sensitivity and specificity by the immune system. Considered a sixth sense by some, the immune system is a means to signal and mobilize the body’s response to invasion. 

Understanding how and why the immune and nervous systems communicate in a bidirectional pathway has been fundamental to the development of the psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) field. Taste is a big part of self-regulation!


As I’m sure you already concluded, our diet plays a big role in our taste receptors working the way they were meant to!

It is remarkable that food quality and intensity can be coded by just 5 basic tastes! And our individual coding is the backbone behind the science of acquired taste.

The science behind acquired taste is far more complex than I realized. (Which is why there are so many article links in this post!)

Friends in crowd
The Science Behind Taste is Amazing!


Why do we taste?
Acquired taste starts in our DNA

Biochemists, anthropologists, and neuroscientists will continue to explore how we perceive taste. Chefs, agriculture and food technologists, and behavioral psychologists make contributions to the whys behind the flavor of foods as well.

One thing is certain; taste perception is as individual as we are!


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Luke Slater
Luke Slater
December 20, 2020 9:18 am

I absolutely love broccoli, I can’t wait to have some for Christmas Day, I never knew it was full of all that goodness though. Does go well in a cheese bake 😁

December 20, 2020 9:27 am

This is so interesting I had no idea about the science behind all this. Also I love your dog!! Emma x

Natasha Evans
Natasha Evans
December 20, 2020 9:28 am

Oh wow I had no idea about any of this, such a fascinating post. Thank you for sharing!

Tash – A Girl with a View

Unwanted Life
December 20, 2020 10:31 am

Surprised to see you use the term, “superfood” as that’s just a marketing ploy to sell a new fruit or vegetable every year or so.

A few years back I went to a beer making class with my partner and their parents. We were given a job to to chew and taste which was meant to be sweet. I was the only one that couldn’t taste any sweetness, it just tasted like flour to me. It was suggested that I lacked the enzyme that breaks down food so I’d be able to taste sweetness in foods, which would explain a lot about my eating habits if true

Unwanted Life
Reply to  Susan Berk Koch
December 20, 2020 3:01 pm

I have a long history of issues with food, and about 20 years of having an eating disorder, which I blog about. The one consistent thing is that a lot of dishes I try all taste the same and are all a bit bland. Also, what most people I know taste is being super sweet isn’t that sweet to me, meaning I tend to eat a tonne of sugary stuff, at least during my binge eating stage of my eating disorder

December 20, 2020 11:00 am

Great post as always. I WISH I looked at broccoli like Louie 😉

December 20, 2020 11:49 am

This was an excellent post. Lots of good information but made me laugh a lot especially Louis and Kevin. This doesn’t mean I’m gonna change my salt consumption but I can blame it on my parents at least. Keep up the good work. Love seeing these every couple weeks. Mike

Cooking with Virginia
December 20, 2020 1:54 pm

There’s a lot I learnt from this post. I love cooking broccoli and I didn’t know anything about it.

December 20, 2020 5:10 pm

A very interesting post! I think it fascinating that individuals have different perceptions of what food and drink tastes like.

Raji (@journeyintofantasy)
December 20, 2020 7:03 pm

What an interesting post! I never knew about all the science behind this!

A Capone Connection
December 20, 2020 10:43 pm

This is very interesting and so true. I love to eat healthy and so somehow I have trained myself to see all healthy foods as delicious and unhealthy foods as disgusting. I wasn’t always like that but I had issues with my stomach for years and then when I changed my eating habits it all changed. Now I see certain foods and it is associated with a stomach ache so I no longer desire them. Thanks for the insight!

Kelly Diane
December 20, 2020 11:57 pm

This is such an interesting post. I have always been fascinated with how one person can love the taste of something whilst the next hates it. It was really interesting to read the science behind this.

Melissa Kacar
Melissa Kacar
December 21, 2020 1:40 am

I loved reading this! What an interesting topic, thank you for breaking down all of the science of it! 🙂

Della Driscoll
December 21, 2020 5:43 am

I had no idea about this! Definitely learnt something new today – such an interesting post xx

Amy Laundrie
December 21, 2020 6:46 am

Great post, again, Sue. Now I have a better clue why I don’t like Spicy foods and so many other people do. Keep these coming.

Brooke Ressell
Brooke Ressell
December 21, 2020 8:10 am

I can’t think of a single food that I don’t like. I like cilantro, broccoli, salty, sweet, spicy. I never understood how people can be so picky. Starting to make sense now though. Great info!

Molly @ Transatlantic Notes
December 21, 2020 9:56 am

I absolutely love reading all the science behind things — and this did not disappoint! It makes me realize a lot of things about my own eating habits — thanks for sharing!

Lisa's Notebook
December 21, 2020 11:43 am

Very interesting, Sue. You’re reminded me about the salt, sour, sweet and bitter tongue receptors. And that it’s possible to trick them if you place something salty on a sweet receptor, for example. Thank you for the trip down memory lane – and for such a detailed post!

December 21, 2020 12:06 pm

Interesting post! Thomas Aquinas was obviously a smart man LOL Like a wily four year old 😉

Wildrose Healer - Karen
Wildrose Healer - Karen
December 21, 2020 12:31 pm

I always wondered why my taste in food changed overtime. I remember when I couldn’t stand the taste of lentils or tomatoes! Many years later, they have become my favorite food and snack. I didn’t have the same luck with peanut butter though. I still can’t eat it hahah

December 21, 2020 6:20 pm

I didn’t know there was so much science behind acquired taste! So cool and informative. Thanks so much for sharing all this!

December 22, 2020 12:32 am

This is all super interesting to me! I remember learning about the purpose of taste and how those sensory receptors worked way back in college when I was earning my anatomy & physiology degree.

I took an ancestry DNA test last year and the bitter sensitivity gene was one of the traits that they showed in the results. I didn’t have the bitter sensitivity, which I guess is why I love bitter things like IPA beer, black coffee, and iced unsweetened black tea – I’m not overly sensitive to them.

December 22, 2020 6:35 am

This was really interesting. As a foodie, I think a lot about preferences and what makes some people love what others hate. I love broccoli, and coffee. Not a huge fan of the bitterness of raw cacao though!

Eromonsele Emmanuel
December 23, 2020 7:11 am

It’s so interesting to learn about these amazing facts Susan particularly how scavenger animals can eat rotten foods cos of the absence of sour receptors and how we’ve got taste receptors in weird places like our intestines and sperm! LoL.

I agree with taste receptors being universal and quite different. In Nigeria, a lot of foods are spicy especially in the South West. Foreigners may try these meals and complain of hotness but locals, not so much.

Apparently, that explains a lot. Thanks for sharing.

Eromonsele Emmanuel
Reply to  Susan Berk Koch
December 23, 2020 8:07 am

You’re welcome

Fadima Mooneira
December 23, 2020 7:50 am

What an informative post. I learned new things from reading this post. Thank you for sharing.

Eva Apelqvist
Eva Apelqvist
December 24, 2020 8:14 am

Thanks for another great post, Sue. This should be a book!

Retirestyle Travel
Retirestyle Travel
December 27, 2020 7:32 pm

Some things my wife introduced me to like Rapini were very disgusting at first, but after 25 years of marriage, I love it. Now I understand why

Baby Boomer Super Saver
December 27, 2020 8:03 pm

Fun post! I had heard that mushrooms are also considered an umami flavor, especially shiitake mushrooms, darker mushrooms, and cooked mushrooms.

December 28, 2020 7:04 pm

What an informative post! I especially loved the mention of why Pandas are often seen eating bamboo! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

January 3, 2021 1:26 pm

The idea behind the acquired taste is interesting. For me, it just means it tastes bad until you get used to it. Totally agree though – I love sushi but a lot of people don’t seem to enjoy the taste at all.

Nancy ✨

January 3, 2021 4:26 pm

My tastebuds have definitely changed over the years… Tomatoes and baby corn were a big no-no for me for YEARS, but then only this past year when I tried them again – that I realised I’ve missed out on so much!

Also – your blog is super cool and unique!

Steven Palmquist
Steven Palmquist
January 5, 2021 8:39 am

COVID-19 has really brought changes to taste and smell to the forefront. The diminution or elimination of tasted and smell can be a very serious complication in a person’s life, even if they don’t suffer from other serious complications of the virus.

Susan Berk Koch author

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