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I’ll make sense of science, share news about new tech, science advancements, and more. You’ll only hear from me and only twice a month.
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Great quiz. Mike
I have many faults, but overall, I’m not a procrastinator. I set up a schedule the night before and in the morning; I do the hardest task first. This helps.
A schedule the night before? I try to map out my week but that goes haywire if tasks take longer, etc. The night before is a great tip to eschew procrastination. Thanks, Amy!
Now that was exactly my thought, Amy. Pretty good at schedules, though taxes …
Great post. I scored pretty well on the quiz. I have found that a weekly ” to do” list helps me to stay focused and not procrastinate.
A to-do list is a smart move! How great that it keeps you productive! I’ve tried but tend to put off the tasks I don’t like. I’m going with a daily one to see if it works better.Thanks!
I scored very high and have also tried to do lists, they never work for me and then I feel guilty for it. Literally right now I am procrastinating sleeping. It’s utter horror living like this but no matter how much I want to change I can’t seem to.
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles, Lauren. Instead of long, intimidating lists, perhaps baby steps could be easier than trying to tackle every single thing that you’re avoiding? Self improvement is a journey that is never really over, even for people who manage to check off items on their to-do list. You are not alone! Leonardo Da Vinci was famous for procrastination. That said, don’t compare yourself to anyone else! Try completing one task that is less scary than the other things you’re feeling guilty about. Take that win and relish it before you move on. Feel free to email if you’d like to chat more!
Great quiz!