Want To Increase Your Lifespan?
Do you want to increase your lifespan? Let’s look at some actionable methods to increase longevity, from food choices, to supplements to lifestyle choices to slow aging.
Do you want to increase your lifespan? Let’s look at some actionable methods to increase longevity, from food choices, to supplements to lifestyle choices to slow aging.
Attack of the alien invaders? Aliens are among us. Invasive alien species are a threat to human health and to every ecosystem on our planet. Sound like hyperbole? It’s not.
Now more than ever, the science of marijuana needs a blog post! Why are so many states legalizing marijuana? How does marijuana affect your brain? Is marijuana even safe?
Artificial intelligence and the future of humans is a book-length topic. How do machines learn? Is the power of machine learning all that powerful?
What would you need to live on Mars? I investigated and found out exactly what we’d need to live on Mars! For free!
Is fruit good for you? ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is an old English proverb, intended to instill healthy eating habits. It does beg the question, is fruit actually good for us?
If you want to kill a person, you can shoot a gun or throw a rock. But if craft and cleverness are your forte, poison is another option. Deadliest Poisons in History has the makings of a Netflix series, but I’m condensing into a cool blog post instead!
What is CRISPR? CRISPR is amazing science, that’s what. Let’s take a look at the science behind CRISPR and why it’s life-changing!
Monarchs are mythical and mysterious! I wanted more butterflies in our yard, to help the monarchs, and to learn more about them! It was trickier to raise monarchs than I thought.
Best and gluten free in the same sentence? Yes! I experimented and have tips for the best gluten free breakfast bread ever!
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