Since I am experiencing dry, itchy winter skin, I needed a top 10 winter skin care tips list. I decided to investigate. And share my winter skin care tips with you!
This information is relevant if you have skin, no matter where you live.
If you live anywhere that experiences winter weather, you know those cold temperatures cause issues for your skin.
Why? Because the air is drier. Why is the air drier in winter? (I know, I sound like a five-year-old. Fortunately, I have the answer!)
It has to do with the properties not of air, but of water!
Think of boiling aka high temperature water.
In contrast, cold water stays a liquid. The molecules aren't moving quickly and do not escape into the air.
Petroleum jelly? (aka petrolatum) Glycerin? What difference does any of this make?
A lot!
If you’re like me, you spend time looking at ingredients on the backs of the moisturizer packages. What the heck are they?
Moisturizers? And what about emollients, occlusives, and humectants?
I could write an entire post about this but I’ll try to break the main differences down here.
Moisturizer is a catch-all term, created by marketers!
So what are we talking about? Three different types of moisturizers. Emollients, occlusives, and humectants.

The difference between emollients and occlusives isn’t a line in the sand.
The FDA regulates occlusive and emollient ingredients under cosmetic rules as they are commonly found in personal care products.
If you look at product ingredients, they may have both but with an emphasis on the emollient or occlusive function. Similarly, a combination of the two can help you find a balance for healthy skin.
This brings me to a perfect segue to return to my winter skin care tips.

I’m sliding sideways a wee bit (hm, okay a lot) from my top 10 winter skin care tips into straight skin care tips, but hyaluronic acid is important!
And the science behind hyaluronic acid is cool!
In case you skipped the slides, hyaluronic acid (HA) is present in almost all biological fluids and tissues. It is an extremely large molecule with a high capacity for hydration.
HA is important for the structural support of collagen and elastin in the skin.
HA has a lot of medical applications too, but I’m holding back.

Due to its size, poor folding of its molecular structure, & its hydrophilic properties, HA potentially creates a large watery space within itself. The proportion of water associated with its structure can be 1000 times greater than its own molecular weight!
Oh, oh. I am getting carried away here.
If winter is dragging, for you here’s a post w/ tips to be happier!

These are excellent tips. I never put sunscreen on in winter so thanks for that. I’d love to learn more about ingredients in moisturizers, as in which ones actually help our skin, like hyaluronic acid and what percent we need. Thanks!
You’ll need at least 2% hyaluronic acid in your product for it to have any effect on your skin. Great that you’re instituting sunscreen! Your skin will thank you. I thank you for stopping by!
Amazing tips! we tend to use hot water a lot when showering and it’s not good. Thank you for sharing!
I like hot water for my showers too. A hard habit to back off from but it’s better for your skin. Thanks, Jack!
This is interesting. I didn’t know hyaluronic acid had so many medical applications. And you are witty! Thanks for the great post.
I tried to hold back this time because my posts tend to run long. I’m happy you liked it. Thank you.
This is a good winter beauty tip. Keeping your skin moisturise is so important. Thank you for sharing.
I’m gratified that you found my post useful. Thanks!
Much needed advice! I struggle with my skin during the winter months, especially with the extreme wind chill that happens where I live. I did not know to reduce exfoliation — that will really help!
Decreasing to once a week has made a big difference for me! Winter weather is a challenge so we need all the help we can get. Glad I could help!
I had no idea how important hyaluronic acid was! I use a natural moisturiser based on coconut oil. It seems to do the job for me!
Corinne x
How great that you’ve found a product you like! Thanks!
Very useful and practical information. I have found that if you do start forming big fissures in your fingers superglue actually helps prevent them from getting wider. Sounds crazy but it actually helps. Looking forward to more post. One more tip is to just pat yourself dry and not rub all the water off. Put your lotion or cream on when your legs are still wet and that will help keep them moist. Mike
Excellent tip about patting dry after the shower! Thanks for bringing it up! I’m not sold on your superglue idea, so it’s not making it to tip # 11! ha
I don’t know a lot about moisturisers, all I know is most moisturisers aren’t worth the money as they’ve done nothing for my skin. But I learned a few things I didn’t know by reading your post
I agree, many of the products out there don’t stand up to their advertising. I’m glad you picked up a few facts. Thanks!
This was a trip back to one of NY own posts. Well, not totally. The first time seeing such a topic on your site but ifckurse with a science blend. Enjoyed reading. Just FYI, I also read up products details. haha. Xx
Isa A. Blogger
Like minds! ha! Thanks, Isa.
So informative! Thank you for sharing these amazing tips. It’s exactly what I needed as a reminder as it’s currently cold in Dubai. I definitely need improvement with hot showers! xx
I love hot showers, too. It’s a challenge for me not to turn up the temperature! I suspect cold is a relative term! Dubai looks fairly far south to me! ha. Thanks so much.
Itching on my back between my shoulder blades drove me crazy until I discovered Sarna. It’s a life saver.
Fantastic that you’ve found a product that works for you! Itchy skin is no fun! Thanks for sharing that tip, Amy.
This was such a helpful and informative post – you shared some fab tips here! I have a really bad habit of having my showers as hot as possible, so I’ll have to turn it down a notch to warm, haha. Thank you so much for sharing x
I’m so happy that you found my post helpful and informative! Turning down the hot water is a tough habit to break. Degree by degree! Thanks!
Great tips! I”m a fanatic these days about sunscreen so I was glad to see iit isn’t just my imagination that sun protection is smart even when the snow is flying! Thanks for a great post.
Good for you! I admit that I sometimes forget about sunscreen in the winter. Thanks, Eileen!
I loved reading this as someone who is studying cosmetic chemistry in college. I would also add people need to use the right ingredients for their skin type. Some ingredients can be too drying for some people while it could be fine on others as long as they aren’t over using it. Loved the article.💜
Absolutely! That’s why a consultation with a dermatologist or esthetician is important for individualized guidance. Cosmetic chemistry is endlessly interesting; you must enjoy your classes! Thanks so much!
We all need self-care in our lives, especially during the winter months when things can feel a bit bleak! Thank you for sharing these fantastic tips Susan, very helpful x
We sure do need to give ourselves TLC! You’re so welcome, Eleanor. Thanks for stopping by!
You’re very welcome, for me self-care and looking after my skin are so linked x
I’ve never thought of it that way, but you’re absolutely right!
I suffer with eczema which flares up during the colder months and emollient creams are really useful! I like to use oils and thicker moisturisers in the winter months to give me skin the extra hydration!
It sounds as if you’ve got this knocked down! I’m glad. Thanks for sharing!
These tips are great! Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by!
These tips are so important, hydration especially because I always find my skin gets drier during the colder months
Dry skin seems ubiquitous in the winter months! Small changes in routine go a long way! Thanks!
This is a great post. I have learned a little more about skin care and will take more care of my skin.
I’m gratified that you picked up a few skin care tips and that I inspired you. Thanks so much!
I love all these winter skin care tips. My skin gets so dry during the winter so I need all the tips and extra help that I can get!
Likewise! I’m happy that you loved my post. Thanks so much!
I absolutely love that you mentioned sunscreen even in the winter. So many people think that sunscreen is only for when the sun is blazing. I live in a very hot country so I have the opposite problem – I need a dehumidifier!! The AC makes my skin really dry. I never knew about not going outside with wet skin, that’s really new to me!
AC is drying too, without question! There is no ideal climate. Where do you live? (Right about now I would like some heat.) No matter where we are, we’ll keep slathering on that sunscreen! Thanks so much!
Such an informative post, as always!
I love your pictures and explanations.
I always moisture as I have very dry skin. I love petroleum jelly, because it has so many uses. Looking for something with HA in now 🙂
I’m so happy that you love my photos and find my explanations helpful! Definitely look into adding HA into your skin care routine. For optimum benefits, look for a product that contains 2% HA. Thanks so much!
Amazing tips here Susan, I wish more people would knew about this!
I’m happy you found these tips amazing. Thanks so much, Simona! Please feel free to share my post!
Very interesting post with useful tips, thank you. Hmmm, drinking water does not hydrate skin? Does this mean I should drink more wine? 🙂
Nice tips! Thanks for sharing!
I’m happy you think so! Thanks for stopping by.
Some great tips here and some I’ve never heard before too! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by!
As usual Susan some very informative post! I didn’t know hyaluronic acid could be so important, but honestly you got me at the explanation of the drier air, thank you so much for all these tips! x
You’re so welcome! Thank you!