The Angriest Bird of All


Who is the angriest bird of all? If you had to guess, I bet you’d think of birds with a reputation for meanness. An ostrich can kill a lion with their mighty kick. Or perhaps the cassowaries of Australia & New Zealand come to mind. They’ve actually killed humans with slashing blows from their feet. One of their toes has a long dagger! Talk about aggressive bird behavior!

I’m sure that the cheery American Robin didn’t pop into your head as the angriest bird of all.

Aggressive bird behavior _ Robin
I run deep!

I came across a recent twitter thread which suggested the sixth photo in one’s camera roll would be the cause of their death. My sixth photo was the one on the far right:

I bet you thought my sixth photo would be one of Louie! Okay, he was fifth and seventh, but not sixth! 

Louie is not an angry bird
I should be the sixth photo in everyone's camera roll
Robin parent on high alert
This was my sixth photo.

A 3-ounce bird would cause my death? Kidding aside, I found this spooky because a pair of Turdus migratorius, aka American robins decided to build a nest three feet from our deck. (Which is the reason I had the photo in the first place!)

Those pretty orange-red breasted birds turned into pint-sized grizzly bears the moment their babies hatched!

Make Sense of Science_ Subscribe for Cool Facts to Blow Your Mind
No way!


Birds that nest near people often end up harassing their landlords
This implies that they pay rent, which they most certainly do not.
These backyard birds also harass domestic animals and other birds.
They are not good neighbors.


What other behavior would they exhibit if not bird behavior?

Onward to the most likely aggressors in your backyard...


Some form of parental behavior is exhibited all the living species of birds.

*as of 7/2024, per pubMed & the World Animal Foundation, 9700-11,197 species of birds reside on our planet.
From territory defense, nest building, incubation, brooding, feeding, escorting the young to food sites, protecting the young from predators, and feeding of the female by the male prior to egg laying & during incubation.
Bird Behavior

Why are these birds so aggressive? 


Fledgling Baby Robin_Make Sense of Science
Fledgling Baby Robin
Fledglings_ Make Sense of Science
Fledgling Baby Owls

The birds are protecting their babies!

Maybe we ought to reframe this aggressive bird behavior.

Pictures of common backyard birds_Lessie
Good idea!


Main predators of songbird eggs ....
Predators of songbird eggs
No surprise there.
I would never harm a songbird.
This surprised me
Deer eat bird eggs and nestlings!
From ground nests but I had to include this fact because it also surprised me!
Click Here
Cowbirds destroy the eggs and young of songbirds & have been implicated in the decline of several endangered species
Click Here
Cowbirds don't eat eggs. They lay their eggs in the nests of over 220 bird species!
Cowbird eggs hatch faster than other species eggs, giving cowbird nestlings a head start in getting food from the parents.

No wonder my robin parents acted like the angriest birds of all! 


The pair of robin parents that took over my yard for two weeks, that’s who!

The Angriest Bird of All
3 gorgeous blue eggs. For more on the rarity of blue in nature, click on the photo!

I spent a lot of time sitting on the toilet seat so I could take these pics through the window and not ruffle the birds’ feathers. (Literally)

Okay, that’s a bad visual but the seat was down.

How many nestlings do you see on the right?

Nestlings and egg american robin
We started with 3 eggs so I assumed this was 2 babies and an egg...

Pipping is the process by which the chick initially breaks through the shell, using a hard projection on its bill called the egg tooth.

ROBIN FACTS_PIPPING_Last baby..or babies fighting out of the egg
Go baby, go!

FOUR babies! We had TWINS!


It is difficult to see…

Who is the toughest bird_4 robin nestlings day 2 for 3 day one for last baby

Day 3! Nestlings are easier to see now.

Robin Facts_4 nestlings day 3
Nestlings x 4!

Between signaling their aggressive intent the second I walked out the patio door via birdsong, & feeding these hungry nestlings 150 times/day, I imagine the robin parents were exhausted.

Both parents fed the babies non-stop from sunrise to dusk.

I admired their tenacity and drive. Their attitudes towards me? Not so much.

Pinfeathers starting on the nestlings
Hungry nestlings

Forgive the video quality below…remember that I took this through the bathroom window! 

Our nestlings were growing! This is at six days.

Pictures of common backyard birds Day six pinfeathers on four babies
Getting more crowded every day.


Because our robin parents were model parents and achieved the title,  ‘toughest bird of all’, predators stayed away. This, imho, allowed these guys living under the nest time to grow! 

How many caterpillars do you see on the butterfly weed?



Monarchs are mythical and mysterious_caterpillars on butterfly weed
Find all the caterpillars!
The Angriest Bird of All prtoected more than just their babies
To read about my adventures raising monarchs, click on the photo!
Beautiful female Monarch courtesy angry robins
I'm a beauty


Maybe you're wondering why I spent all that time in the bathroom taking photos?

Human intrusion, even by experienced researchers, causes an increase in avian nest predation

Click Here

Repeated Human Intrusion Increases the Potential for Nest Predation!

Human intrusion on avian nests causes increase in predators
Click here for one study


Caring for youngsters usually requires around 13 days in the nest.
Each baby robin may eat its weight in insects, worms and berries in a day.
The father robin looks after the babies for a week or more after they leave the nest.
Dad and babies eat & sleep together while mom builds a new nest.

This is day 8-9. The nest is getting crowded.

These babies have their first coat of feathers and look like birds! Fledglings!

ROBIN FACTS_ FLEDGLINGS 8 and 9 days old
Officially fledglings!

I was outside at the time. You have never heard a bigger ruckus from the parents! I was fairly sure the robin parents were going to attack! 


Reproving that a robin parent is the angriest bird of all.

Photos of common backyard birds_First Fledgling
First brave soul to leave the nest. They only went about five feet.
Providing cover for fledglings_FLowers directly under nest
You can just make out the edge of the nest in the top middle. Lots of cover for baby # 1 to hang out until they're ready to try again.

I missed # 2 and #3 leave the nest so I tried to keep a close eye on this last baby.

Robin Facts_Last Baby # 4 has a lot of room now_
Last fledgling

The next morning, baby # 4 flew almost 30 feet! Their parents went bonkers, chirping and swooping and hovering nearby. 

Aggressive bird behavior extraordinaire. 

Baby Robin # 4 first flight_shell shocked
They look a little shocked!
Who is the toughest bird? A mama bird! ! 4 beautiful robins are out in the world


Baby songbirds can't wear diapers, but their poop emerges encased in a mucus sac.
Whichever parent is feeding the baby at the time, takes the poop and carries it off.
A clean nest does not alert predators!


I have to admit a sense of relief when the angry robins vacated. 10 days with mama on her eggs, then another two weeks of aggressive bird behavior until they left for good.

Being the angriest bird of all paid off! All four fledglings made it! 

Three of the four caterpillars emerged into lovely butterflies.

Louie why are you in the bathroom watching those robins so much
And we can go outside again!

Too bad, cassowaries! Robins take the prize.

Robin facts dress up like a bird
The guy on the left knew what he was doing! He wanted to be the toughest, so he dressed up as a robin!

Have you ever been lucky enough to observe nature from your bathroom window? Or perhaps somewhere a little more convenient?


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August 14, 2021 11:39 am

I love your baby bird photos! You’re so lucky to have the birds build a nest where you could watch them develop. Thanks for sharing your cool pics. And the fun facts.

Unwanted Life
August 14, 2021 1:59 pm

Having large talons doesn’t always mean you’re the angriest bird, it just means they can mess you up if you provoke them. The angriest birds I’ve seen are on documentaries and tiny, and as was the case with you, it’s as a result of protecting their offspring or eggs

Kelly Diane
August 14, 2021 2:08 pm

I’d love to be able to watch birds nest building nearby but there’s nowhere really suitable. I do try to make the garden as bird friendly as possible though. Interesting topic, I really enjoyed reading this post.

August 14, 2021 3:07 pm

Is Batman less intimidating than his sidekick? Although, in my experience, Blue Jays are more aggressive even when they don’t have babies.

Eva Apelqvist
Eva Apelqvist
August 14, 2021 3:24 pm

Gotta say it – I love all your posts but this one might be the funniest one so far. I was laughing out loud. And I love the pictures and all the research you always put into your posts. Amazingly good.

Amy Laundrie
August 14, 2021 7:37 pm

Very informative and funny, Sue. I grew up raising ducks and geese and once, when I was bent over pouring feed in a container, a protective gander bit me in the rear. It hurt!

August 15, 2021 5:55 am

This is so fascinating and funny! I was always freaked out by ostriches anyway.

Lou Farrell
Lou Farrell
August 15, 2021 7:07 am

I love this post, I learned so much. Robins, who knew, well you did. 🙂 But I didn’t know about the deer either, sneaky deer. Your website is fascinating, well done for all the hard work that goes into it.

August 15, 2021 7:38 am

I have seen some birds get protective of their babies. They do always protect there young.

August 15, 2021 8:20 am

I loved reading all about Robins here. I did not know most of the information you shared! This was such an interesting post.

Marian Grudko
Marian Grudko
August 15, 2021 8:20 am

I’d like to add another angry bird: the tree swallow. For several years they came to our birdhouse to nest. We were thrilled – they are gorgeous birds and eat tons of skeeters and things. Well, they were fussy and excitable when they were building the nest, but when the eggs were laid, and then hatched, look out! They actually dive bombed our heads! And not just when we walked near the box, but when we came out the front door. True, they always just missed, and never once grazed us (I guess it would have harmed them, too, to make that kind of contact) but let me tell you, it was unsettling, to say the least. They fly like little jet airplanes! It was worth it, though, for the joy of hearing and seeing the nestlings, and the flying lessons, and the innocent trusting baby that would drop at my feet and say hello. Thanks for another great and funny post!

Carolyn Holton
Carolyn Holton
August 15, 2021 9:46 am

Nice photos! Birds can be scary. My boys and I were chased by an angry goose !!

Molly @ Transatlantic Notes
August 15, 2021 9:56 am

Agree that it’s birds protecting their eggs/young that are the angriest no matter how small they are. My dad was once attacked by a bird protecting their nest which he was unaware he was so close too. It was a small bird as I recall and sent a grown man running!

Eri Tz
August 15, 2021 11:12 am

It must have been an experience to be so close and live these days near the baby birds. I never had the chance to observe something similar from such a close distance. Loved the photos that accompanied the story 🙂

Kevin Foodie
August 15, 2021 11:17 am

There are many people who live the angry bird mentality on a daily basis. Come to NYC and you will see a number of angry birds walking around. But birds in general are natural protectors of their off springs babies as many other animals. The same can be said for people are always angry and exercise agression. What are they protecting? What are the reasons for their anger? Great post!

Bipolar Bandit (Michelle Clark)
August 15, 2021 11:55 am

Very interesting! My mom was attacked by a robin one time on the way to the mailbox so it makes sense. I would have guessed an ostrich though like you first said. I enjoyed the pictures. What a neat experience to witness.

August 15, 2021 4:47 pm

Robins are always portrayed as a sweet bird, the face of Christmas cards, I never would have thought they would be aggressive!

Corinne x

Alicia Thompson
Alicia Thompson
August 16, 2021 12:22 am

Hello! Wow, I’ve never really known much about birds but this port was really insightful! Thanks for sharing! Alicia

August 16, 2021 6:19 am

the way you blog is so entertaining! Birds are so adorable but yet they are also dangerous. Those pictures were amazing I had to read about the blue eggs.

Alita pacio
August 16, 2021 6:56 am

Wow, I never thought I’d be so interested in birds. Thanks for sharing this

Jodie | That Happy Reader
Jodie | That Happy Reader
August 16, 2021 8:41 am

Such a highly entertaining post – and I learned a lot! Yes we have the wild kingdom in our backyard as well featuring several bird species, skunks, squirrels and raccoons. I have a lovely photo of 5 raccoon kits arranged in a pyramid formation which I captured a few years ago. Cute at this age, but a costly nuisance when older (new roof, wire to ensure that can no longer rip apart my eavestroughs). Thanks for sharing thiis!

Jaya Avendel
Jaya Avendel
August 16, 2021 2:42 pm

Oo! These little guys and gals are so, so sweet! We hatch our own chicks and nothing is more heart melting than fluffy fledglings and chicks; I am constantly amazed at how fast they grow. Catbirds are our aggressors, living all over our yard and what racket they make!
Thanks for sharing an engaging story. 🙂

Jaya Avendel
Jaya Avendel
Reply to  Susan Berk Koch
August 16, 2021 3:14 pm

Yep! Plenty of eggs until winter, as we do not have a heated henhouse.

Baby Boomer Super Saver
August 16, 2021 4:30 pm

How fun to be able to watch the progression of the nesting and hatching behaviors! I had just learned the term pipping while watching the Atypical series on Netflix (main character was fascinated with penguins). Our family has encountered angry birds before – redwing blackbirds divebombing my brothers when their fishing boat got too close to a nesting area on a lake, and a male turkey knocking down my toddler cousin on a farm & standing on him!

Melissa Kacar
Melissa Kacar
August 21, 2021 1:31 am

I absolutely loved reading this! A robin built a nest on top of one of the wreaths outside my front door a couple of years ago, so seeing all of this reminded me of them! It’s such a beautiful thing to witness up close! The parents were definitely were not happy when someone got too close to their nest! Thank you for sharing this! Beautiful photos too 🙂

Melissa Kacar
Melissa Kacar
Reply to  Susan Berk Koch
August 21, 2021 11:54 am

It was on the wall right next to the door and the mailbox! The front porch is a small area with a wall on one side and tall bushes on the other, so anyone coming in or out had to be careful! There were times the bird parents got pretty upset if someone was there but thankfully there wasn’t any actual attacks like I have read others say in their experience with them. Like you said, it was worth any little inconvenience to see them up close like that!

Isa A
Isa A
August 30, 2021 10:37 am

Lovely pic of yours in the last. Great pics you took of nature. Naa no chance of taking pics from bathroom. Great topic as always. I was going to joke on Twitter the other day…. the angriest bird is “the angry bird”. Lol, was too tired to even write that? And woah to the bird killing humans with their feet. I can’t forget the birds movie. They are vicious sometimes. Great one as always Sue. 💙💙
Isa A. Blogger

June 23, 2022 3:59 am

 love your baby bird photos! You’re so lucky to have the birds build a nest where you could watch them develop. Thanks for sharing your cool pics. And the fun facts.

Susan Berk Koch author

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