two kids at computer screens reading about strange science news

Strange Science News

STRANGE SCIENCE NEWS I love strange science and strange science facts, especially when they make it into recent headlines of strange science news! So this post is a smorgasbord of three strange science discoveries that I think you’ll find intriguing!  I apologize about the hiatus but things have been in flux with us. Taking a

Messy Science Experiments

Messy Science Experiments

My book, Chemical Reactions!: With 25 Science Projects for Kids, is out! To celebrate, I’m sharing two messy science experiments from the book.

Easy Forensic Science Experiments Louie

Easy Forensic Science Experiments

Easy and forensic seem like a dichotomy but it is possible to find easy forensic science experiments. You can do them with your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, as a classroom activity or for a birthday party, with minimal materials! I’m going to show you how.

Louie loves STEM at home activities

Science At Home: Candle Trick and Fire!

If you want to impress your kids, grandkids, significant other, neighbor or your dog, I’ve got a few cool tricks you can show them! No advanced degrees needed.

Boreal Owl with squirrel

Beacons of Hope _Birds!

When I let Louie out this morning, the birds were singing.

I decided that sharing some of the wonder of birds with you was a perfect idea!

Susan Berk Koch author
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Make Sense of Science is my email newsletter where I share information about future science, new tech developments, as well as tools and resources for STEM at home. It arrives every two weeks and you’ll only hear from me. (And Louie)